The Ultimate Guide to Feature-Benefit Selling

If you are a salesperson who wants to close deals much faster,  developing an effective feature-benefit selling strategy could be the solution for you.

Feature-benefit selling is an approach that focuses on the unique advantages of a product or service and exploits how its features translate into tangible benefits for customers. 

It emphasizes listening and active engagement with potential buyers to match their needs with appropriate solutions. This ultimate guide describes exactly what feature-benefit selling is, why it’s important and provides practical steps necessary to master this powerful technique for increased success in sales.

Read on and get ready to take your sales game up several notches!


What Are Features?

Features can be found in every product and service, but what exactly are they? Simply put, features are the elements that make something unique. They can be the bells and whistles that stand out in a product or the services that a business offers. 

In the tech world, features are the functions that make an app or software stand out from a sea of competitors. They can range from something as simple as a mobile app’s clean user interface to something as complex as a customer relationship management software’s AI capabilities. 

The beauty of features is that they can be tailored to specific needs, adding value to a product or service, making it easier to use, or enhancing the user experience overall. Understanding what features are and how they work can help businesses not only distinguish themselves from their peers but also find new ways to better serve their customers.

What Are Benefits?

Benefits are the rewards we receive when we take action or make choices that lead to positive outcomes. When we reap the benefits of our actions, we feel happier, healthier, and more satisfied. Benefits can come in many forms such as financial gains, improved health, personal growth, a stronger sense of community, and fulfillment.

They can also boost our confidence and self-esteem, giving us a greater sense of purpose and motivation. 

By recognizing the potential benefits of their choices, people can make more informed decisions that will lead them towards a sense of fulfillment. Whether it’s a small gain or a significant milestone, every benefit a customer receives is a reminder that their efforts and choices can lead to positive outcomes.

What Are Feature-Benefits?

Explaining how to demonstrate feature-benefits when selling

Feature-benefits are an important concept to understand when it comes to marketing and sales. Essentially, a feature is a specific attribute or characteristic of a product or service, while a benefit is the value that the feature provides to the customer. For example, a car may have a feature of heated seats, but the benefit to the customer is a warmer and more comfortable ride in colder temperatures. 

Understanding how to effectively communicate feature-benefits is crucial for businesses, as it allows them to showcase the value and unique qualities of their offerings, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

What Are the Main Advantages of Using Feature-Benefit Selling?

Feature-benefit selling is a technique that has been used by sales professionals for decades. It involves identifying the key features of a product or service and then highlighting the benefits that those features offer to the buyer.

There are many advantages to using this approach. Perhaps the most significant is that it allows the salesperson to clearly communicate the value of their product or service to the customer. By breaking down the product’s features and matching them to the specific needs and wants of the buyer, the sales professional can create a compelling case for why the product is a great investment. 

There are a number of other advantages to using feature-benefit selling. They are listed below along with some helpful tips on how to capitalise on them. 

Identifying Customer Needs

One of the keys to successful feature-benefit selling is being able to identify the customer’s needs. This involves understanding what they want, what their goals are, and how your product can help them reach those goals. Asking questions and actively listening to the customer’s response allows you to uncover exactly what they need from you so that you can match it with the features and benefits of your product or service.

This helps you create a tailored solution that will not only meet their needs, but exceed their expectations as well. 

Making Connections

As a salesperson, your ultimate goal is to sell your product or service. But to do that successfully, you need to establish a connection with your customers. By highlighting the specific features of your product or service and explaining how it will benefit your customer, you create a relationship built on trust and understanding. 

Customers want to know that you are not just trying to make a sale, but that you genuinely care about meeting their needs. Feature-benefit selling allows you to do just that by showing them how your product or service will make their life easier or better. This technique helps you build a more personal and meaningful relationship with your customers, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Teach Customers About the Goals of the Product

When it comes to selling a product, it’s not enough to simply list its features. Customers want to know how a product can benefit them and help them achieve their goals. That’s where feature-benefit selling comes in.

By focusing on the benefits of a product and how it aligns with the customer’s needs and desires, a salesperson can effectively teach the customer not only about the product but also about its goals.

This approach encourages the customer to see the product as a solution to their problems and a tool for achieving success rather than something they are just spending money on. 

Supports Brand Loyalty and Advocacy

Supporting customers with strong brand loyalty and advocacy

As consumers, we all crave the feeling of being valued by the brands we invest in. When companies take the time to understand our needs and demonstrate how their products or services can solve our problems, it creates a sense of loyalty and trust.

This is where feature-benefit selling comes in. 

By highlighting specific features of a product and explaining how they directly benefit the customer, companies can connect with their audience on a deeper level and establish a relationship based on mutual understanding.

When customers feel heard and understood, they are more likely to become not only loyal to the brand but also an advocate, sharing their positive experiences with others. Feature-benefit selling is a powerful way for companies to build a strong, loyal customer base that can lead to long-term success and growth.

Improving Bottom-Line Sales

As a salesperson, it’s important to understand that customers aren’t just looking to buy a product. They’re looking for a solution to a problem or a way to enhance their lives. This is where feature-benefit selling can be a great tool.

By highlighting the features of a product and explaining how those features benefit the customer, you’re able to show them exactly how this product can improve their lives. Not only does this lead to more satisfied customers, but it also boosts your bottom-line sales. 

When customers see a product that can solve their problem or fulfil their needs, they’re more likely to make a purchase. And when your sales numbers increase, so does the success of your business. 

How to Use Feature-Benefit Selling

Now that you know more about feature-benefit selling, it’s time to look at how to implement it into your sales process. Below are some key areas to focus on when looking to incorporate this tactic into your sales arsenal. 

Study Your Products Features Well

When it comes to selling a product, knowing its features inside and out is crucial. By studying your product’s features well, you’ll be able to highlight its strengths and explain its benefits to potential customers with ease. This knowledge will make it easier for you to answer any questions customers may have and make suggestions tailored to their needs. 

Moreover, it can help build trust with your customers, showing them that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the product. So take the time to learn everything there is to know about your product’s features and watch as your sales soar.

Identify All of the Benefits From The Features of Your Product

When it comes to marketing your product, it’s important to focus on the benefits that your customers will receive, rather than just the features. While features are important, they don’t always sell themselves. By identifying all of the benefits that your product offers, you can create a more compelling case for why someone should choose your product over another. 

Benefits can range from saving time and money to enhancing productivity and efficiency to improving the overall quality of life.

By clearly communicating these benefits to your audience, you can increase your chances of making a sale. So, take the time to identify all of the benefits that your product has to offer and use them to your advantage in your marketing efforts.

Always Start a Pitch by Asking Questions

When it comes to making a pitch, many people go straight into describing their product or idea without taking the time to understand their audience. However, a more effective approach is to start by asking questions

By doing so, you can gain valuable insights into what your audience cares about and tailor your pitch accordingly. This approach shows that you value their input and their opinions, which builds trust and makes them more likely to be receptive to your message.

So next time you have a pitch to make, remember to ask questions first - it could make all the difference!

Identify Customer Needs

In today’s highly competitive market, identifying customer needs is crucial to the success of any business. Companies that take the time to truly understand their customers’ needs gain a significant advantage over their competitors.

By identifying what motivates customers to make a purchase, companies can tailor their approach to better meet these needs. 

This can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word of mouth, and ultimately, a boost in revenue. While identifying customer needs may seem like a daunting task, there are many tools and strategies available to help businesses get started.

From market research to customer surveys, companies can gather valuable information that will help them better understand their target audience.

Ensure You Make Connections For Customers

When it comes to running a successful business, customer satisfaction is key. One of the most important ways to keep your customers happy is by making sure you’re making connections with them. Whether it’s through friendly conversation, following up on their needs, or simply checking in to see how they’re doing, building a relationship with your customers can make all the difference.

Customers want to feel valued and heard, so it’s up to you to ensure that they do. By making connections with your customers, you can establish trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to a more successful and fulfilling business.

Break the Ice

Breaking the ice with customers to support lead conversions

Breaking the ice can be a bit intimidating at first, especially when meeting someone for the first time. It’s all about making that crucial first impression, and we all know that first impressions can make or break a potential relationship.

But fear not, there are a few simple tricks you can use to break the ice and make a great first impression. Try asking open-ended questions to get the conversation flowing, or make a lighthearted joke to ease any tension. Remember, everyone feels nervous in these situations, so don’t be too hard on yourself. With practice, you’ll be a pro at breaking the ice in no time!

Rehearse a Few Stories

Your objective as a salesperson is to sell, but in order to get here, you need to have conversations and sometimes they don’t flow that easily. 

There’s no denying that we’ve all had moments where we’ve found ourselves tongue-tied or stumbling over our words. It’s in such instances that we wish we had rehearsed a few stories beforehand. After all, there’s something about the power of a well-told story that has the ability to captivate any audience.

Whether it’s a funny anecdote from your childhood or a heart-warming tale of triumph over adversity, a well-rehearsed story can make all the difference in how effectively you communicate your message.

Rehearsing a few stories or talking points not only helps you develop your storytelling skills, but also helps you build confidence and credibility in front of any audience. So why not take the time to rehearse a few of your own stories? You never know when they might come in handy.

Some Examples of Feature-Benefit Selling

One of the examples of this technique is the use of testimonials from satisfied customers. This feature uses their experience with the product as proof of its benefits to potential clients.

Another example is the use of demonstrations or product trials to show how the product works and what value it provides. This feature is highly effective as it allows customers to try before they buy, therefore reducing the risk of buyer’s remorse. Below are three specific examples of using feature-benefit selling across different kinds of industries. 


One example of software that utilises this approach is Adobe Photoshop. One of its features is its advanced editing tools, which allow users to manipulate images in ways that were previously impossible. The benefit of this feature is that it helps users create stunning visuals that can be used in a variety of contexts, from marketing materials and presentations to personal projects like editing family photos. 

Another example is Salesforce, a customer relationship management (CRM) software. One of its features is its customizable dashboard, which allows users to easily access and analyse important data related to their business. The benefit of this feature is that it helps businesses make more informed decisions and improve their overall performance.


One example when it comes to dealing with consumers directly is car sales.  For example, a car salesperson might focus on the features of a car such as its horsepower and fuel efficiency. But to sell the car effectively, they need to go beyond the technical details and focus on the benefits of those features. 

In this case, the benefits might include a smoother ride, lower gas costs over time, and the ability to quickly and easily pass slower cars on the highway. By emphasising these benefits, the salesperson can help consumers understand why they should choose this car over others on the market.

Other consumer examples of feature-benefit selling might include a smartphone with a long battery life, a washer and dryer with a smart technology that reduces energy use, or a piece of exercise equipment that tracks progress and provides motivation for users. 


When it comes to manufacturing, feature benefit selling can make all the difference. For example, let’s say a company is manufacturing a new line of kitchen appliances. Instead of promoting the fact that their refrigerators have adjustable shelves and a water dispenser, they could emphasize how these features make it easy for families to organize their groceries and stay hydrated. By doing so, they create a selling proposition that is more compelling and relevant to the customer’s needs. 


Feature-benefit selling is a powerful tool for salespeople because it allows them to show their customers how the features of a product or service can directly benefit them.

It helps them connect with their customer on an emotional level by demonstrating why they should care about the features and benefits being discussed. 

With feature-benefit selling, sales professionals can help drive growth for their business by enabling decision-makers to move beyond the feature list and understand why investing in products and services will work for them. If leveraged properly, feature-benefit selling can help a business stand out from its competition while ensuring customer satisfaction. 

As we have seen, this method has many advantages that make it useful in many different types of situations; however, it is important to remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering this technique.

Therefore, salespeople who take the time to get comfortable with feature-benefit selling are well-positioned to realise success and turn past prospects into loyal customers.