Become the Master of Virtual Sales

In the modern landscape where digital is dominant, the playbook for sales professionals has been rewritten.

With the emergence of remote work, understanding remote sales best practices becomes crucial as virtual interactions are now front and center.

They reshape how every sales team communicates, connects, and closes deals.

But with this new paradigm come unique challenges. Looking to sidestep common hiccups? Check out our guide to avoid virtual selling challenges.

the master of virtual sales meetings

So, what does it truly take to ace these virtual interactions? How can sales professionals adapt their strategies to effectively engage with prospects and close deals remotely? Read on to learn the essentials of virtual sales proficiency, delivering hands-on guidance and actionable tips to elevate your approach.


The Importance of Virtual Proficiency in Sales

The digital transformation wave has drastically redefined our sales landscape. The age of chasing leads in corporate corridors is gone, but the dawn of dynamic virtual sales interactions is just beginning. 

A global survey of 2,500 B2B companies across industries found that those willing to shake up their sales models and embrace next-generation capabilities are growing revenue at twice the rate of GDP.

The Differences Between Traditional and Remote Selling

There were clear distinctions: field salespeople, donning polished shoes and sharp suits, hit the road, meeting clients face-to-face, while inside sales reps operated mainly over phone sale calls or the web, dealing with simpler tasks like lead generation and renewals, and managing less complex products or smaller, remote customers.

The lines between field and inside sales are blurring. Today’s remote sales approach requires a strategy that combines the strengths of both these traditional roles by harnessing the power of digital tools.

From prospecting to outreach and even building sales funnels that convert—this isn’t just about using technology but deepening customer understanding and building relationships beyond geographical constraints.

The Rise of Virtual Interaction in Sales

Driven largely by global interconnectivity and tech innovations, brands are finding immense value in using virtual tools. The pandemic expedited the shift toward digitalization by three to four years.

Beyond the clear advantages of reduced overheads and geographical flexibility, there’s a subtler shift: an opportunity to engage more personally and analytically with clients, no matter where they are. 

Advantages and Challenges of Selling Remotely

Transitioning to remote selling doesn’t just bring the advantage of skipping those dreary airport lounges. 

It gives sales reps the power of insights from cutting-edge analytics tools, sharpening the sales process and eliminating the overhead costs of a physical office.

This change isn’t without its challenges.

The intricacies of discerning emotions through digital screens, the management of remote sales teams, or the unpredictability of tech glitches can sometimes hamper the virtual selling experience.

sharing screen in a virtual setting

Being Effective in Remote Sales

Success in virtual selling isn’t just about having a robust Wi-Fi signal or mastering virtual selling skills.

Beyond the tech, sales professionals must have an innate understanding of the human connection. Although the methods change, the core of the sales process — whether in traditional in-person or virtual sales meetings — remains grounded in soft skills.

Whether it’s the power of active listening or the art of lucid communication, it all boils down to one thing: forging genuine, meaningful connections

Setting the Stage for Success

Virtual selling is rapidly transitioning from a fleeting trend to the foundation of today’s sales process. The ambiance of virtual sales calls plays a crucial role in shaping first impressions.

The nuances of preparing for a successful virtual interaction are paramount for sales teams looking to elevate their remote engagements.

Every detail contributes to the broader narrative of sales success, from selecting top-tier communication tools to designing an impeccable virtual environment.

Use the Right Tools for Smooth Interactions

According to a McKinsey & Company study, while many sales organizations boast a large selection of digital tools, their effectiveness often needs to improve due to underutilization by reps.

Team leaders are urged not just to create advanced tools but to emphasize their adoption. By involving the sales team in the implementation process and ensuring the tools address their specific needs, the likelihood of these tools being used effectively increases.

The right tool, when properly adopted, can significantly elevate sales outcomes.

outperformance with the right digital tools in salesp

Have a Professional Virtual Environment

Your virtual backdrop is more than just a setting; it’s a silent way to show off your professionalism.

A neat, distraction-free background is as essential as presenting yourself well for an on-site meeting. A cluttered view can sidetrack an important discussion.

For you in remote sales, remember: that a tidy, brand-reflective environment can amplify the quality of your virtual exchanges.

Dress to Impress

Even in the comfort of home, ensuring you’re dressed appropriately is an important aspect of the sales process.

You never know when you might have to stand up during a virtual meeting. Being fully presentable isn’t just about looks—it reinforces professionalism and keeps the focus on the sale, not the surprise pajama reveal. 

how to dress in virtual sales

Our guide on the dos and don’ts of virtual meetings delves deeper into these nuances.

Ensure You’re Seen in the Best Light (Literally)

Remember, clarity isn’t just about your sales pitch. A top-notch webcam and ideal lighting ensure you’re visually crisp.

Avoid extreme camera angles – a straight-on, eye-level shot creates a feeling of genuine connection. 

Crisp Audio and Stable Connectivity

Clear audio isn’t just about hearing and being heard. Much like a well-prepared pitch in an in-person meeting, it reflects professionalism.

Using a dependable headset eliminates those hints of unpreparedness or perceived lack of professionalism that might subtly sway a customer’s perspective. If you are using a wireless headset, make sure to have a wired backup just in case of emergency.

Create Narratives That Resonate

Here’s a sales truth: Customers remember stories far longer than they recall statistics. By wrapping your pitch within a compelling tale, you capture attention and imagination.

Your brand isn’t just a service or product; it’s a story waiting to be told.

Stay Agile in a Dynamic Landscape

The digital world is a constantly shifting landscape of new trends and tools. Success in this arena demands adaptability.

To remain at the forefront, commit to ongoing learning and discipline, from webinars, workshops, and e-courses to leveraging accountability apps to help you stay on track. These are not tools but invaluable lifelines that can propel you toward growth and excellence.

Acing Your Presentation Day

How you structure your day can make or break your productivity. Without the confines of a traditional office, it becomes pivotal to establish a routine that promotes focus and efficiency.

Laying Down the Framework for Your Day

  • Tuning into Your Peak Performance: Everyone has their golden hours of productivity. Identify yours and align it with the most important tasks. Knowing when you’re at your best and leveraging that time will increase your productivity.
  • **Embrace Time-Blocking: **Adopt the time-blocking technique. By segmenting your day into dedicated periods for specific tasks—prospecting, lead follow-ups, sales meetings, and paperwork—you ensure nothing falls off the radar.

This level of structure is more than just about staying on track; it provides a comforting semblance of the regular office day but is tailored to your personal rhythm.

Stay on Top Without Drowning

  • Use Digital Assistants: While managing multiple clients, leads, and ongoing deals, utilizing task management systems can be a game-changer. They allow you to break down sales objectives into manageable tasks, ensuring no detail is overlooked.
  • Set Your Limits: Overloading your plate can be counterproductive. Prioritize and assign dedicated focus to tasks that drive the most impact.

Distraction-Proofing Your Remote Setup

Remote work is rife with distractions, but they can be managed:

  • Dedicate Your Space: It might be a room, a quiet nook in your home, or even a frequented cafe. Ensure it’s equipped to minimize disruptions and optimize focus.
  • Family and Digital Boundaries: Communicate your work hours to your household. While you’re at it, consider app blockers for those tempting social media sites. It’s all about setting boundaries, both offline and online.

Elevate Your Virtual Selling Strategies

Effective interactions are your ticket to success in the evolving sphere of virtual sales. As the remote sales landscape morphs, the conventional playbook needs a digital upgrade. 

acing remote sales

Build Rapport Virtually

In an era where handshakes have gone digital, the art of building rapport needs a fresh approach:

  • Active Engagement: Dive deep into understanding your prospects by initiating conversations that matter.
  • **Empathy: **Tread their path, understand the hurdles, and propose solutions that resonate.
  • Shared Experiences: Fid that mutual hobby or interest to bridge the virtual gap. Shared experiences often lead to solidified trust.

Visual Aids

A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. In virtual sales, it’s also worth potentially thousands in revenue:

  • Compelling Presentations: Simplify complex data with compelling visuals. Platforms like PowerPoint or Google Slides are your canvas.
  • Demonstration Videos: They’re not just videos; they’re virtual showrooms. Consider weaving them into your sales strategy for a more immersive experience.

Virtual Body Language

Body language can echo louder than words, even on a screen:

  • **Posture and Gesture: **Sit tall and gesture with purpose. Small movements can make big impressions.
  • Facial Cues: A genuine smile or a nod can humanize a digital interaction.
  • **Vocal Dynamics: **Modulate your tone and pace. Every word should exude confidence.

Active Listening

Listening in virtual sales isn’t just about hearing; it’s about understanding:

  • **Undivided Attention: **Dedicate your full attention to every interaction, showing prospects they’re valued.
  • **Clarifying Queries: **Ask. Confirm. Repeat. It’s the trifecta for clarity.
  • Echoed Summaries: Reflect back their words. It’s proof that you’re truly listening.

Go Beyond Basic Screen Sharing

In the intricate dance of virtual sales, a pivotal moment makes all the difference: the live presentation. When stakes are high, relying on traditional screen-sharing tools can be like rolling the dice.

  • Instant Demos: With the ‘Instant Demos’ feature, you can engage your leads the moment they click a call to action button. No need for pre-scheduled meetings; offer live product demos while they are still browsing your website, capturing interest when it peaks.
  • Tailored Presentations: Instead of generic screen shares, CrankWheel lets you present exactly what you want your client to see. This means every interaction feels personalized and relevant, mirroring face-to-face presentations.
  • **No Downloads, No Delays: **One of CrankWheel’s key features is its ability to function without the need for downloads or installations on the client’s end. This means no technical hitches or unnecessary delays, making for smooth sailing during demos.
  • Compatibility: CrankWheel works with any device. Whether your client is using an old office computer or a mobile device, the platform adjusts, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Visual Feedback: With CrankWheel, you don’t just present; you interact. With the preview window, you can see how your client interacts with your presentation and you will get an alert if the client goes to another window.

Incorporating CrankWheel into your sales arsenal provides a smoother client interaction and ensures that every presentation, demo, and pitch feels personal, reliable, and efficient.

Nurturing Client Relationships from Afar

For remote work, establishing and cultivating relationships from a distance is pivotal for sales professionals. 

1. Engage with Purpose

Staying engaged with clients isn’t just about regularity; it’s about relevance. Whether it’s a short email update, a video conference, or a thoughtful post on LinkedIn, your content should bring value. Sharing insights on the latest industry trends or product enhancements can keep the conversation meaningful and insightful.

2. Go Beyond the Template

With today’s advanced CRM systems, there’s no excuse for generic outreach. Dive into data, revisit past interactions, and use personalized marketing techniques to ensure every message feels tailor-made for the recipient. By acknowledging individual challenges and goals, you’re showing clients they’re more than just a name on a list.

3. Balance Responsiveness

Digital communication has raised expectations. Clients anticipate quick responses, but they also value quality. Find tools that help balance speed with substance. Every timely, well-constructed reply is a step towards stronger trust.

4. Celebrate Milestones

Recognizing achievements can be as simple as a well-crafted email or as elaborate as a virtual event. Celebrating these moments acknowledges the shared journey and fortifies mutual respect.

5. Build Trust Through Active Feedback Loops

Actively seeking and valuably responding to feedback doesn’t just optimize your service but cements trust with clients. When they see their suggestions come to fruition, it’s a tangible testament to your commitment.

6. Casual Check-ins Beyond Sales

The relationship doesn’t end post-sale. By offering value-driven resources, like industry reports or exclusive access to webinars, you transcend the typical seller-buyer dynamic and become a go-to source of knowledge and expertise.

As the digital landscape shifts, so do the dynamics of teamwork. Learn how to adapt, connect, and excel in your sales role, even when your teammates are miles apart. Dive into the best practices for individuals in a remote sales environment.

Making Every Message Matter

In an era where your next sales team huddle might be a call away, communication becomes paramount. Sans the luxury of popping over to a colleague’s desk, every message and meeting counts.

  • **Pick Your Platform Wisely: **There’s no one-size-fits-all. Whether you’re leaning towards email for formal comms, Slack for the quick ‘FYIs,’ or Zoom for those brainstorming sessions, choose the medium that matches the message. And remember, apps like these aren’t just tools; they’re your new office corridors.
  • **Simplicity is Sophistication: **In the digital arena, clarity trumps complexity. Speak directly, set expectations upfront, and steer clear of corporate jargon. After all, clear waters run deep.
  • Lend an Ear: It’s not just about hearing words but grasping their meaning. Take the time to reflect on what’s said, summarize key points, and ensure mutual understanding for productive discussions.

Tools for Teamwide Collaboration 

The right set of digital tools can make distance seem trivial. Think of them as your virtual office utilities, facilitating interactions, ideation, and more. Here’s the toolkit of the remote work era:

  • **Taskmasters Unite: **Platforms like Asana or are more than just to-do lists. They’re the digital heartbeat of your project, pulsating with updates, assignments, and milestones.
  • Cloud is the Limit: With Google Drive or Dropbox, collaboration is real-time, borderless, and dynamic. Draft, edit, and comment – all under one virtual roof.
  • Boardroom, but Make it Virtual: Miss the old whiteboard brainstorming sessions? Miro and Mural are here to recreate that magic, pixel by pixel.

Staying visible

Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind, not if you play your cards right.

Here’s how you make sure you’re felt, even if not seen:

  • Virtual Coffee Breaks: Schedule them. That casual catch-up or the project update? It binds the team, one call at a time.
  • Be the Virtual Go-Getter: Engage, discuss, deliberate. Your digital footprint in meetings or on platforms speaks volumes.
  • Office Chatter, Online: Those watercooler chats? Migrate them online. A trivia quiz, a virtual lunch – the spirit of camaraderie needs no office.

Embracing the remote work culture is more than just logging in from home. It’s about effective communication, wielding the right tools, setting personal boundaries, and ensuring you’re a visible, vital part of the sales team tapestry.

Challenges in Remote Sales

Virtual selling comes with its set of challenges, but with the right strategies, they become mere speed bumps.

Addressing Concerns Virtually

  • Active Listening: Ensure your prospects feel heard and understood, even when you’re miles apart.
  • **Show and Tell: **Utilize screen sharing, infographics, and demos to visually elucidate any points of contention.
  • **Real Stories: **Share testimonials or case studies. They’re the proof that your solution works.

Managing Global Timings

  • Harness Technology: Use scheduling tools and apps to juggle the puzzle of different time zones. Keep communication transparent, ensuring all parties are synced.
  • Routine: While flexibility is a perk of remote work, a consistent routine helps maintain discipline and motivation.
  • Stay Connected: Regular check-ins with your sales team not only keep you informed but also offer that dose of social interaction remote workers often miss.

Acknowledge Your Wins: Whether big or small, celebrating milestones boosts morale and keeps the momentum going.

Wrapping Up

While the medium of interaction might have shifted, the principles of strong relationships remain the same: trust, value, and understanding. By embracing these strategies tailored for the remote era, online sales reps can create connections as profound and impactful as their in-person sales counterparts.