4 Ways Instant Screen Sharing Can Help You Close the Sales Deal
If you’ve ever been involved in sales, you’re sure to have noticed one thing that is critical: sharing. Whether you’re the buyer or the seller, sharing forms the bedrock of your conversation. Prospects share their business challenges and their ideas of how they want to address those challenges. They share how they create value for their customers and how they’re constantly seeking to improve. Flip it around, and the sales team shares their value proposition, and they share proof of how their solution can help solve the prospect’s challenges.
In sales, sharing is not only caring. It is (a step to) closing! It enables transparency, which is critical. The better you are able to share your value proposition, the more likely you are to create a win-win outcome, and close the sale.
When you share is just as vital to closing the deal as what you share. Which would you rather do, share a PowerPoint presentation or a product demo at the exact moment your prospect is most interested, or hours later by email, when your prospect might not necessarily even view it? Our guess is you would prefer to share immediately. With instant screen sharing through CrankWheel, you can do just that, with no preparation required. Here are 4 ways we’ve found instant screen sharing can help you close the sales deal.

1: Establish a Strong Foundation
Imagine you’ve worked hard to get a phone call with your prospect, and based on your first few minutes of conversation, you’ve qualified the prospect and they are interested. Now the hard part is, if you have only the phone, it’s hard to show the prospect that your software solution or service does exactly what you say, and the typical approach would be to book a follow-up meeting for a demo. With CrankWheel’s instant screen sharing, you can skip straight to the demo in that first phone call. It’s as easy to start screen sharing and get them joined to your session as it is for you to make a phone call and for them to answer it. Just set up what it is you want to present or demo, share your desktop or browser tab to your customer, regardless of where they are and without requiring them to download any software, even if they’re on their smartphone. Now you’ll be able to articular your value proposition immediately and with visual clarity, and you do it while your prospect is interested - much better than booking a follow-up meeting that they may decide to cancel.
2: Improve Trust
Selling to someone who doesn’t know you is a hurdle most salespeople deal with every day. People are, in general, more willing to buy from people they have established a relationship with, because they can trust them. Instant screen sharing can help build that relationship quickly, because it offers a faster way for you to get the right information to your prospects. Done well, potential buyers will sense that you’re being honest with them. It also helps you demonstrate to your prospect that what you are offering is the best solution they can have, which breeds trust.
3: Enhance clarity
For prospects to buy into your products or services, they need to clearly see how you can help them improve their own bottom line. Most of the time, you’ll need to have some cost-reduction or revenue-increase analyses that you can share to improve this clarity, especially in the middle of negotiations. That’s where the ability to share your screen instantly with other people regardless of their location becomes a powerful resource. CrankWheel lets you add a visual presentation without any preparation, meaning you can add it in the middle of a phone call. When potential clients are able to get visual information about your solution without meeting you physically, it improves their understanding of it, and lets you get much further using just the phone than you otherwise could. They are able to see how it will fit into their own value creating process. The best part of increasing clarity is that whoever you share with on the buying team will be better at explaining your value proposition to their organization’s decision making team. Clarity is infectious.
4: Decrease Negotiation Stagnation
Having a prospect go cold is probably one of the biggest challenges in closing a deal. Perhaps you’ve had the first and second meetings and everything seems to be going well. Then all of a sudden, the prospect goes cold. One way to freshen up the conversation is to share more relevant information at the time you reconnect with them. Not later on, but at that very moment. Instant screen sharing helps you to do that, with no preparation or previous buy-in from your prospect needed, whether they are on their mobile, desktop, or tablet.
How do you Master Instant Screen Sharing?
Instant screen sharing through CrankWheel can help you close more sales. Based on our experience of sales, in particularly of sales of complex products where the first contact is usually over the telephone, we designed CrankWheel to be your screen sharing solution of choice, one that you can use to instantly add screen sharing to your phone calls. Here are some of its benefits:
- It is compatible with practically every browser, every device, and every communications network out there, meaning your prospect never needs to download anything and things will just work.
- It is simple to use. No installation for your prospect, in fact nothing more complicated than pointing and clicking.
- It offers great security thus safeguarding your privacy and that of your shared documents.
- It is a freemium product with a generous free plan and affordable premium plans available.
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