How To Be A Successful Solar Sales Consultant

As a 90s child, the following words from the famous Pokémon theme tune are emblazoned forever into my memory: ‘I wanna be the very best like no one ever was’.

But now that we are all adults, these words have a new meaning. We indeed want to be the best, but not at catching fictional pocket monsters. Instead, if you are reading this, you most likely want to be the greatest solar sales representative the world has ever seen. And boy, do we have the perfect blog for you.

The top 5 tips on How To Become Successful in Selling Solar

Whether you are an entry-level newbie with limited work experience or a hardened full-time pro, this blog is guaranteed to improve your track record. We have included our top tips for becoming the best in selling solar.

Much like Clark Kent, we know solar energy is the key to unlocking your inner Superman. So, ditch the glasses, loosen the tie, and fasten your cape as we transform you from an average sales associate into your part-time alter-ego, SuperRep.

1. Stay up to date with the best solar resources

The world of solar equipment is constantly evolving. That is an undeniable fact. From the introduction of perovskite solar cells to the creation of solar-powered cars, the face of the industry is unlikely to look the same in a few years.

To stay ahead of the curve, it is important to remain relevant. Now is not the time to be stuck in the past; you need to get down with the ‘kidz’. Knowledge of the latest industry trends and a clear understanding of the future of solar energy products will make you stand out as a pioneering sales rep.

To remain current on all things solar, we recommend doing some extra reading. Now, before you moan in disdain that homework was not part of the advertised job description, take a look at these interesting and accessible blogs about all things solar:

2. Ask the right people the right questions

Does the very thought of asking for any type of guidance at work make you feel incompetent and demoralized? You are not alone; 59% of workers simply refuse to ask for help in the workplace. But we want to tell you it is time to bury that self-pride and embrace the community knowledge base.


Your fellow team members are your ultimate resource. Use them to your full advantage to become a well-rounded fountain of knowledge and a problem-solving machine. Take a look at these examples of times it is best to ask for help:

  • Are you struggling with a certain aspect of the sales process? Approach the person who is smashing sales goals for advice.
  • Are you confused about how to update an ancient solar system? Ask the team member with decades of sales experience for direction.
  • Worried about the scheduling of a solar project? Talk to your sales manager to collaborate on a better strategy.
  • Want to know how to nail your next in-home visit? Pull up your project manager for some much-needed pointers.

One of the most incredible advantages of the solar industry is the diverse educational backgrounds of its roughly 4.3 million global employees. Your sales team will likely consist of individuals who have achieved a wide range of bachelor’s degrees and associate degrees, including business, finance, computer science, and management certification. This educational melting pot means that fellow solar energy consultants offer numerous valuable and unique perspectives, no matter the occasion.

3. Drop the energy jargon

Let’s face it; the solar industry can be incredibly complicated. Have you ever started talking to a loved one about the intricacies of the latest energy system and seen their eyes glaze over? You know the look we are talking about; think about Bran going full warg in Game of Thrones.

The inner workings of renewable energy systems fascinate us salespeople. Yet, it can be an absolute drag to the general public who have not approached the subject of science since gaining their high school diploma.

That is why being able to decode complex technical jargon into an approachable sales pitch is the ultimate communication skill.

Take a look at these ways of explaining how solar installations work and decide which would sound most appealing to a prospective customer:

  • Option A: ‘Within each solar cell is a thin semiconductor wafer made from two layers of silicon. One layer is positively charged, and the other negatively charged, forming an electric field. When light energy from the sun strikes a photovoltaic solar cell, it energizes the cell and causes electrons to ‘come loose’ from atoms within the semiconductor wafer. Those loose electrons are set into motion by the electric field surrounding the wafer, and this motion creates an electrical current.’
  • Option B: ‘Solar cells absorb incoming sunlight to generate an electrical current through what’s known as the “photovoltaic effect”. This electrical current is captured by plates and wires and turned into a usable energy current that is sent to your home and appliances.’

If you picked option B, you are 100% correct, and here is why:

  • Uses layman’s terms instead of technical terminology
  • Sounds considerably warmer and more welcoming
  • Takes on a more conversational tone
  • Not afraid to use some essential solar lingo to showcase expertise

So, our advice is to not overwhelm potential customers with a slurry of indecipherable acronyms and know-how on your next outside sale. Instead, remain focused on providing homeowners with the most relevant and digestible information. At the end of the day, most customers are solely interested in the many benefits and incentives that will improve their life.

4. Use the best Solar CRM tools

Okay, let’s admit it. Sometimes, this whole solar sales consultant job can seem rather overwhelming. There are constant streams of data, information about new accounts, and endless details about referrals and follow-ups to contend with. Without proper data management, it can feel like you are drowning in a sea of information overload.

But oh, who is this sailing through the stormy digital seas and throwing you a lifeline? Well, if it isn’t, the good ol’ ship; CRM. Customer Relationship Management tools are the answer to your strained pipeline woes. This incredible software connects all client communications and data into a singular, streamlined place.

Have we piqued your interest?

Here are some of the CRM tools available to solar teams:

  • Zoho
  • HubSpot
  • Capsule CRM
  • Pipedrive
  • Google Sheets

5. Create a Solar Buyer Persona

Check out Dave over there at the bar; isn’t he absolutely dreamy? He is the perfect pairing for your solar sales business. In fact, he is your dream customer.

Unfortunately, he is also fictitious. Dave is a buyer persona and has an incredible purpose. Despite his dashing good looks, he actually resembles Frankenstein’s monster. You see, he is an amalgamation of data stitched together to define your ideal customer. But why is that important?


The age-old saying, ‘if you try to be all things to all people, you won’t be anything to anybody’ is incredibly relevant to sales. As it turns out, if you sell to everyone, then you are actually selling to no one.

Sounds absurd? Think about it for a second, with no target; your sales pitch is aimless.

That is why defining your buyer persona is so crucial, as it allows sales teams to hone and tailor their tactics for the correct buyer.

Still not convinced about the importance of a buyer persona? Take a look at these statistics, and we guarantee you will change your mind.

  • Buyer personas increase the chance of companies exceeding sales goals by up to four times
  • Utilizing buyer personas has created higher-quality leads for at least 56% of businesses
  • 36% of companies who embrace buyer personas report shorter sales cycles
  • Creating a buyer persona led to 24% of businesses gathering more leads

Well, we are sure you are sold on the numerous benefits of identifying your ideal customer. But how do you create a buyer persona? It really is simple; you need to collect data. Lots and lots of data, specifically about your current client base.


The information you need for your ideal customer profile:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Homeownership status
  • Interests/ hobbies
  • Pain points
  • Customer needs
  • Income
  • Energy costs
  • Job title
  • Buying patterns
  • Education

But how do you obtain this wealth of invaluable data? Here are our top five methods to track it down:

  • Industry research: Take a look at the overall industry and your competitors to gauge a target audience
  • Use analytical tools: Utilize Google Analytics to find the key demographics visiting your website
  • Conduct interviews: Ask customers about their habits and motivations on the phone or in person.
  • Send surveys: Ask your current email list to fill out well-structured surveys to gain valuable insights
  • Analyze databases: Comb through your Customer Relationship Management tools to identify key data of current clients


So, now you are armed with the best tips to become the ultimate sales consultant; get out there and sell, sell, sell some solar. But remember, never be afraid to ask for help. If you ever need more pointers, then look toward your team members for advice.