How you deliver the perfect instant product demo

Do you want to close more deals, faster? Do you want to get more qualified leads into the sales pipeline, and qualify them sooner? Assuming the answer to those questions is yes, this article is worth reading.

instant product demo

Online demos are powerful ways to do both. Instead of waiting days or weeks to have a meeting with a client, whether that is over the phone, face-to-face or online, you can connect with a potential client straight away.

All you need to check is that they’ve got the time.

If a prospect says yes - to a 30 minutes or so presentation (have versions ready so that you can do shorter or longer ones as needed) - then now is the time to launch into an instant online product demo. Here is how you make this pitch-perfect.

How to deliver the perfect demo:

  1. Manage expectations
  2. Make sure they ask questions
  3. Make it interactive
  4. Get buy-in

1: Manage expectations

Firstly, check they have the time and where they are - can they talk for 20 to 30 minutes?

What device are they using? If you are sending them a demo link via CrankWheel, whatever device they’re on won’t matter: they are going to be able to watch and take part on any device, without needing to download extra software.

Once they’re ready, give them a quick outline of what to expect. Have questions ready so you can use this opportunity to qualify them as a lead.

Always go into a demo with a plan/structure, and expect to talk at least 60% of the time - but don’t simply fire product benefits and features at them. Chances are they’ll switch off, get bored, and you won’t hear from them again.

2: Make sure they ask questions

Encourage potential buyers to ask questions.

Ask them questions in return: Find out as much as you can about why they might need your product, about budgets, urgency, internal stakeholders and any other factors that will impact whether or not they go ahead.

Potential buyers who don’t speak up during a presentation are a bad sign. It often means they’re not engaged or interested.

3: Make it interactive

One way to make a demo interactive is to show potential customers the features that they are most interested in.

Show them how it solves their specific problems.

Taking that a step further, with a screen-sharing solution capable of remote control, you can give a potential customer an element of control over the screen.

You are giving them a way to interact directly and actually use the product during a demo.

Potential customers who have a problem that needs solving, who are then shown and can even experience how a product will solve that problem are more likely to recommend it, use it, and hopefully, complete a purchase.

4: Get buy-in

Before the end of every demo, especially one that you’ve been able to put on at a moment’s notice, you should check whether or not they’re interested.

At the same time, it’s a good chance for you to assess whether they’re a viable client.

If that is the case, maneuver the conversation into a question that should lead to follow-up actions: “After everything we’ve talked about and thinking about the problems you are trying to solve, are you confident our product meets those needs?”

Providing they give a positive response, aim to put a plan in place for the next steps and follow-up actions.