Tips for The Perfect Sales Prospecting Video

In the digital age, companies use various techniques to reach their potential audience and attract new clients. Cold emailing, social media and LinkedIn marketing are all effective outreach strategies, but one more gaining popularity strategy can enhance your outreach efforts – video prospecting.

Let’s say you have found a great prospect and want to capture their attention, get a response right away, and book a meeting. Video prospecting could be your key to success here. It is an incredibly effective way to connect with prospects, save time and streamline the sales process.

Moreover, video prospecting also helps you build trust and credibility with prospects more quickly. By sending videos to prospects, they will see that you took time and effort to approach them, making the leads feel valued. According to the research, 80% of video marketers claim that video has directly increased sales.

Thus, if you want to engage new buyers and streamline the sales process, let’s move on to the steps and strategies of video prospecting.


Assessing your target audience and objectives

The first step in any outreach strategy is assessing your target audience and identifying your objectives. You can’t create an effective, high-quality video if you don’t know what your potential buyers are looking for, their buying habits, and their needs.

Fully personalized videos have proven incredibly effective, so you need to gather as much information about your prospects as possible.

Your competitors’ research is also important in your video prospecting journey.

Using backlink checker tools like SE Ranking, you’ll see who is linking to your competitors and find the most appropriate resources as your potential sales partners for outreach.

Then, you need to determine the goals and the main purpose of your sales prospecting videos. Depending on what stage your prospects are in your marketing funnel, it needs to be relevant for them.

For example, prospects at the top of your marketing funnel would expect your videos to be educational because they need to learn about what you are about to offer.

Those in the middle of the funnel know more about your company, so the videos they receive should inform them about how your product can help them and what issues it can help them solve.

Finally, prospects at the bottom of the funnel just need a push to proceed with the purchase, as they already know enough about the product.

Now, let’s move on to the scriptwriting and storytelling techniques you can use to make your sales video more personalized and attention-grabbing.

Scriptwriting and storytelling techniques for sales prospecting videos

When preparing a video for email outreach or LinkedIn prospecting, you can’t start talking in front of the camera and say everything that comes to mind.

You need a well-prepared video prospecting script and a plan depending on who you’re trying to reach. A script should not be too long; it has to be short, attention-grabbing, and as informative as possible.

Before writing a script, ask yourself these questions:

1. Who is my target audience?

A compelling script is one written specifically for the target viewer. You need to know exactly to whom you are trying to sell your products or services. It is important to know your audience well because that will influence your tone of voice, look, and feel of the video.

2. What does my target audience need?

You not only need to know who will be watching but also what their needs, interests, and purchase behaviors are. Step into your audience’s shoes, identify their issues, and offer them effective solutions.

3. What am I trying to say?

Your script should have a clear message. The viewer should not try to guess what you’re trying to say and what the main idea of your video is. Mention what is unique about the products or services you are selling and why the viewer should choose you among the others. A clear and readable message is the key to an effective script.

4. What emotions should my video evoke?

Your video should not only be informative but also have a psychological impact on the viewer. Do you want to evoke admiration, joy, hope, or anger with your video? The great idea is to go back and forth between positive and negative emotions because it intrigues the viewer and keeps them interested.

When writing a script, start with the hook. The key here is to make people interested in what you’re about to say. You can tell a short story, ask a question, or even start with a shock. Yes, surprising your viewer is an excellent, attention-grabbing technique.

Don’t forget to introduce yourself! The viewer needs to know who is talking to them, the name of your company, and what services you offer. Tell the audience you understand their problem and how to help them.

Great storytelling is also a deciding factor when it comes to video prospecting. Even if you caught your viewer’s attention with a great hook, they wouldn’t keep watching if you had not perfected your storytelling techniques.

Here are some video prospecting best practices for you:

  • Use suspense. Don’t uncover everything you have to offer from the very beginning. Keep the audience curious and engaged.
  • Use humor. Sometimes, being formal is great, depending on the audience. However, you’re still talking to people, making them laugh occasionally, and making your brand more memorable.
  • Create stories. Write a story that has a beginning, middle, and end. Try story mapping beforehand and write the script accordingly.
  • Work on the visual part. What you tell matters, but what you show sells. Work on the visual part of your video, including the colors, angles, audio, and more. However, don’t show your product every 30 seconds; do it only when it fits naturally.
  • Tell customer success stories. Your viewer needs to know real-life success stories of people using your services. Tell them where those clients were before using your product, their issues, and how you helped them.
  • Be natural. Of course, it is normal to feel nervous when filming a video, but try to be as natural and friendly as possible. People are more likely to keep watching videos with relaxed and talkative speakers than those who are stiff and uncomfortable.

Visual elements and design strategies

Once you have decided on your message and goal, it is time to think about the visual elements and design strategies you will use in your video. Even if it is perfectly planned, you have an attention-grabbing hook and an engaging story, and you won’t succeed if your sales video is not aesthetically pleasing. Pay attention to the background, colors, and audio. Consider using graphics and imagery that illustrate your points if you want your target audience to keep watching. It is also essential that the visual style of your video matches your brand’s identity.

Follow these design principles to create outstanding sales videos:

1. Proportion. Keep in mind that the more important the element/object is to your story, the more influence it has to have in the frame. Thus, if you are talking about your product and demonstrating it on the screen, it should be large enough for people to understand that that is what you are selling.

2. Contrast. Color and contrast create eye-catching videos and can emphasize the objects you are demonstrating on screen. If you want to improve at creating videos with great colors and contrast, research the color theory or use the ready-to-use color palettes available online.

3. White space. White space is empty parts that do not have elements or just a clean background. Whitespace allows you to guide the viewer’s attention to specific screen parts without getting lost among multiple objects.

4. Emphasis. Emphasis is also essential to make certain elements stand out on the screen. For example, if you want to emphasize a person, place them in the center of the frame. It will draw people’s attention to this person.

5. Repetition. Repetition is important for a consistent design. People start associating these elements with your brand when certain fonts, colors, or patterns are repeated in your videos. Repetition also allows for maintaining a narrative.

6. Balance. Balance is built on the principles of symmetry and asymmetry. In symmetrical scenes, all elements are placed in a straight line that goes through the center of the screen. It helps create a more balanced image, and viewers navigate a shot like that easier. Asymmetrical scenes can also be balanced, yet you don’t have to place the same elements on both sides.

Light and sound are also vital for a good-quality sales video. Even if you are shooting on a smartphone, ensure that the light is not too dull or too harsh and that there are no distracting sounds. The image quality your target audience will see can make or break the deal.

Utilize CrankWheel to record and share your video

One of the best tools for video prospecting is CrankWheel, which helps to record your sales videos from your computer and your webcam. You can either record short, simple introduction videos or create slideshows mixed with videos and you talking. Moreover, you can make a video sharing your screen and show your prospects how your product works. It is easy to set up and does not require any prior experience in usage.

When you record a sales video with CrankWheel, it is automatically uploaded to the cloud, and you can easily share it with your prospects. Moreover, you can create animated in-mail previews and even share the link to the video via SMS, IM, WhatsApp, and other messaging platforms. Lastly, insert a snippet of your sales video and part of it in the email and increase the engagement rate.

You can also use CrankWheel for screen sharing, which is especially useful if your prospects are hard to reach. The possibilities here include live conference calls, sales presentations, targeted sharing, and live previews.

Delivery and performance tips

Delivering an outstanding performance is one of the keys to a successful sales video. You don’t have to be a professional actor to impress your prospects. Some useful video prospecting tips will help you improve your delivery and performance and close all the deals!

1. Practice makes perfect. When you have a script in front of you with all the lines written down, read it aloud at least a few times before pressing the record button. The more you practice, the easier it will get over time to record sales videos without recording a lot of takes. Moreover, practicing helps you feel more relaxed and confident in front of the camera.

2. Your facial expressions matter. First of all, always position your face in the center of the frame! It is the golden rule of any effective sales video. Next, pay attention to your facial expressions and body language. Keep in mind that in the video, neutral facial expressions are often perceived negatively by viewers. Instead, remember to smile and keep your face relaxed and reactive. Moreover, always look at the camera because the viewer should feel like they are keeping eye contact with you. Don’t stay stiff without moving; imagine that you are talking to a friend and use your hands and body to express your emotions. Be as natural and positive as possible.

3. Silence is your best friend. Do not be afraid of making pauses and being silent for a few seconds! It is a great way to emphasize the key points of your speech. Moreover, silence can add drama to your video, and it is a great way of engaging the viewer and keeping them interested.


Now that most sales are happening in the digital world, effective video prospecting is your key to success. Videos are attention-grabbing, more personal, and more effective if you want to generate tools and conversions.

However, you can’t just record any video and send it to all your prospects. You need to do research, learn how to make videos more personalized, and perfect your delivery to catch people’s attention and make them want to work with you. By following the tips and tricks described in this article, we can guarantee that your next sales video will reach the right audience.

If you have been thinking about using video as your sales strategy, it is high time to start! The key is to start gathering potential sales partners for outreach with tools like SE Ranking and writing a script!