Why Screen sharing is a necessary tool to close clients on a remote sales call

Remote sales teams are always looking for an edge to close more prospects and increase conversion rates. Even with the best technology, there are still common challenges that come with sales, one of them being closing prospects over the phone.

While there are many closing techniques that can be effective, there is one underutilized tool that you might have brushed over, which is screen sharing!

It’s simple in practice but comes with many benefits. As you share your screen with the prospect and walk them through your product or service, not only does this help to close the sale, but it also builds massive trust and credibility.

Screen sharing can be a powerful tool to help you increase that close number, and in this article, we’ll dive into the nuts and bolts of why screen sharing is a necessary tool for closing clients on remote sales calls, so let’s get to it!


  1. What is screen sharing?
  2. The benefits of using screen sharing during sales calls
  3. How to use screen sharing to close clients effectively
  4. Best practices for using screen sharing in remote sales

First of all, what is screen sharing?

what is screen sharing

Screen sharing is the process of sharing your computer screen with another person, simple enough right? The technology has been around for a while, but it has become much more popular in recent years with the growth of remote work and digital marketing.

There are a number of different ways to screen share, but the most common is through software like Crankwheel, Zoom, or Skype. Screen sharing is a necessary tool for remote sales teams because it enables them to close prospects more effectively.

By seeing what the customer is seeing and vice versa, sales teams can better understand their needs and objections. Additionally, screen sharing builds trust and rapport with clients on a massive scale and we’ll dive into that aspect below!

The benefits of using screen sharing during sales calls

screen sharing sales calls

Establishes trust with a prospect or customer

When you’re selling remotely, using screen sharing is a great and effective way to build trust with your prospect and customer. By showing them what you’re seeing on your screen, you’re establishing that you’re being transparent and honest.

In fact, studies have shown that 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 57% use some kind of live-action screen-sharing solution to increase the chances of closing a customer.

Additionally, screen sharing can help to avoid miscommunication by giving both parties a clear view of what’s being discussed. Prospects and customers will appreciate your willingness to be open and transparent, making it more likely that they’ll do business with you.

Saves time when crafting the perfect message

When you’re on a sales call with a prospect, there’s a lot of ground to cover. You need to build trust, understand the prospect’s needs, and then seal the deal. It can be tough to do all of that without face-to-face contact.

That’s where screen sharing comes in. Screen sharing allows you to give them a clear view of what you’re talking about. This can save time since you won’t have to keep typing out lengthy explanations or trying to describe things over the phone.

Instead, you can simply show the prospect what you’re talking about. Easy yet highly effective, especially if you add a webcam to the mix.

Gives a human element to the conversation

We’ve all been there. You’re on a sales call with a prospect, and you can tell they’re getting ready to close the deal. But then, something happens- they hit a roadblock. Maybe they need to talk to their boss, or maybe they need more information from you. Whatever the case, it’s clear that this prospect isn’t ready to buy just yet.

So what do you do? You could end the call and hope for the best, or you could take a different approach: screen sharing. By using screen sharing during your sales calls, you can give your prospects a human element to the conversation. This can help bridge any gaps in understanding and can make it easier for prospects to ask questions and get the information they need.

Plus, when it comes time to close the deal, they’ll already feel like they know you- and that can go a long way in sealing the deal.

Controls the flow of the meeting

There are many benefits to using screen sharing during sales calls. Perhaps the most important is that it gives you control over the flow of the meeting.

By sharing your screen with the client, you gain control and can direct their attention to key areas that are most important, keep them focused on the task or presentation at hand, and direct the conversation to ensure that it’s focused on your product or services, and how they can help solve their needs.

Screen sharing is incredibly engaging

Sales professionals know that a necessary part of a successful sales call is building a personal connection with the prospect. And what’s more personal than letting the prospect see your own personal screen as you walk them through your business?

Screen sharing is an incredibly engaging way to close clients on a remote sales call as both can get a better understanding of the business and what the prospect is trying to accomplish. This understanding will help you get on the same page as the prospect and position yourself as a valuable resource.

Educates customers about your products and services

One of the most beneficial aspects of screen sharing is that it allows you to educate your customers about your products and services. This is incredibly important, as it enables customers to see and understand the value of what you are selling.

By walking them through your website, product demos, or marketing materials, you show the customer exactly what they’re getting and answer any questions they may have. In fact, 88% of customers say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. Now imagine when you add the element of interaction with screen sharing!

Screen sharing instantly shows that you’re an expert.

By showing clients that you’re an expert in your field, they’re more likely to trust your recommendations and give you their business. Screen sharing also allows you to get immediate feedback on your proposals and makes it easy for clients to ask questions. It gives clients a sense of control and builds trust. All of these things help you close more sales deals.

The prospect is let in “behind-the-scenes”

By giving your prospect the ability to see your screen, they can effectively “look over your shoulder” and get a better understanding of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

This “behind-the-scenes” documentation can be extremely helpful in closing a deal and by enabling screen sharing on your calls, you’re giving your prospects that opportunity.

People are drawn to authenticity

When you’re on a remote sales call, it’s important to make the most of your time with the prospect. You want to create a connection and show them that you’re knowledgeable about their needs.

Screen sharing helps them to understand your product or service better and makes it easier for them to ask questions. People are drawn to authenticity, and being able to see all of your “secrets” gives the prospect a sense of trust. They’ll know that you’re not trying to mislead them in any way and that you’re confident in your product or service.

How to use screen sharing to close clients effectively

You’re on a sales call with a hot prospect and everything’s going great. You’ve answered all their questions, given them your pitch, and even shared some of your personal stories. But then they say something that throws you for a loop: “I need to think about it.”

It’s no secret that closing a sale often comes down to the final meeting or call. As you might already know, closing a prospect on a call can be tricky. With no face-to-face interaction, it can be hard to read the other person’s cues and know when you’ve closed the deal. That’s where screen sharing comes in.

By sharing your screen with the prospect, you give them a clear view of what you’re proposing. They can see the product or service in action, and they can even get a feel for how it would work for their business. This way, there’s no ambiguity about what you’re proposing, and the prospect can feel confident in making a decision. Screen sharing is an essential tool for remote sales teams that want to close more deals.

CrankWheel makes it easy to get started with screen sharing. Just sign up, enter your meeting information, and invite the prospect. You can start sharing your screen right away! We have a tailor-made screen-sharing solution that’s reliable and easy to use, so you can rest assured that your screen will be seen by your prospect.

Since Crankwheel is a screen-sharing platform that works from anywhere in the world, you’ll never have an issue with connectivity. So next time you’re on a remote sales call, don’t forget to use Crankwheel to reduce the time-to-close on cold prospects and start closing more deals!

Best practices for using screen sharing in remote sales

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel—screen sharing is a common practice for in-person sales meetings, and it’s just as effective when used in a remote sales setting. Here are the best practices to keep in mind when screen sharing with a potential client:

Establish trust by showing that you’re taking the time to understand their business

One of the best ways to establish trust with a potential client is to show that you’re taking the time to understand their business. By screen sharing your screen while on a remote sales call, you’re giving the client a view into your computer and what you’re working on. This allows them to see that you’re taking the time to learn about their company and how they operate.

Use screen sharing to walk clients through your product or service and answer any questions they may have.

  • Make sure you have a good connection. Nothing is more frustrating than a laggy or choppy screen share.
  • Explain what the viewer is seeing on-screen. This will help ensure that your client is following along and that any questions they have can be answered quickly and easily.
  • Be prepared to answer any questions your client may have. Screen sharing opens up the floor for them to ask questions. Be prepared to answer anything and everything they throw your way.

Close the sale by reiterating the value you’ve provided and asking for the client’s commitment.

  • Start by reiterating the value you’ve provided.
  • Show them the product or service in action.
  • Answer any questions they may have.
  • Loopback one more time and reiterate the value and now ask for the client’s commitment.

Be a professional

  • Make sure your computer’s microphone and speakers are properly configured and working.
  • Position yourself in front of the webcam so your clients can see you.
  • Speak slowly and clearly, and make sure to enunciate your words.
  • Use charts, graphs, and images to help explain your product or service.
  • Answer questions promptly and completely.

Wrap up

Screen sharing is an essential tool for remote sales teams, as it allows you to work together with the prospect and walk them through your product or services. This enables you to close clients more effectively, as they can see how your product works and what benefits it can bring them.

Screen sharing is also a great way to build trust with your prospect, as they can see that you are knowledgeable about your product and that you are invested in helping them find the best solution for their needs.

About the author

Chris is an engineer turned synthesizer, combining tech expertise with content marketing. Chris writes and carefully curates the best tools for new technical trends, content creation, and marketing.