Writing Captivating Content for Insurance Websites

All content that Internet users encounter is divided into three categories: Entertaining, Selling, and Informational (educational).

Each of these types has its own characteristics, spelling formulas, and other conventions that affect the perception of information by a person.

We are going to talk about the correct writing of content for insurance companies and we will dwell in more detail on the use of these types of texts for insurance sites.

Writing content for insurance vs. other topics in terms of content knowledge

The first thing that comes to mind for the average consumer is that insurance is boring and complicated.

Now open any site for an insurance company. There you will see stingy texts, overloaded with terminology and difficult to understand for a simple person. That is, the user enters the site and understands that he himself will have to understand all this information.

Now imagine the same user who went to another site, the content of which is written specifically for this person, for his understanding of the product, its language and without jargon. Which company do you think will get more trust from a potential client from the very first minute?

Sure, writing about insurance is much more difficult than writing about fashion, weather, construction, and even cars. But difficult does not mean impossible.

Remember that in any industry, content-based marketing generates 3 times more leads than any other type of promotion, and the cost of such promotion is three times less, and these are open statistics.

A few tips on how to write texts for insurance that will help you improve your position on the site and increase sales.

7 Tips on How to Write Creative Content for Insurance Websites

The insurance industry falls under the “Your Money is Your Life” (YMYL) category, and under the new Google ranking rules, the texts on these sites must be expert, in-depth, but written for a person, not search engines.


  1. Learn the product
  2. Study your target audience
  3. Compliance with SEO requirements
  4. Talk to the reader
  5. Tell stories
  6. Respect your reader
  7. Keep Your Readers Interested

1. Learn the product

Not every person who writes texts for websites is an expert in insurance.

But the more time the writer spends on studying the product, the deeper and more valuable his text will be.

Go over the terminology so that you can later explain complex things in simpler terms.

Yes, there is little room for artistic and literary techniques in insurance, but where appropriate, they must be used without compromising the content and theme.

In order to freely transfer information in an accessible form, it must be fully owned. Therefore, do not spare time and effort to study the topic and each individual product. The copy should not be superficial or inaccurate.

Read how they write for competitors who have entered the TOP of the issue. Analyze what you liked not only as a writer but also as a person who is potentially interested in insurance.

You can sit for hours and come up with your own strategy, while someone has already invented and implemented it.

This does not mean that you can simply rewrite other people’s texts and get excellent results. The analysis will give you the opportunity to understand what works and what does not, how to express a thought, and build a narrative.

2. Study your target audience

Definitely, it’s the hackneyed advice you see in every marketing text, but it works. If you know who you are writing for, you will know how and what to write.

First of all, you must come up with a title that will grab the attention of a potential reader and make them open your page. But that’s not all. In order for the visitor to finish reading the text, and, ideally, to share it or use the service or product, you need to answer the reader’s questions:

  • Why do I need insurance? - many still consider insurance to be superfluous, and not always justified expenses. In the text, it is important to overcome this belief, to prove that insurance is a necessity, we will talk about how to do this;
  • What insurance covers is the most difficult issue for potential clients of insurance companies to understand. There are standard packages that are mandatory, and there are advanced packages that are suitable for a certain category of people. A person must clearly understand what exactly is included in each insurance package;
  • What is not included in the insurance package - very often people are interested in this issue much more than the cases included in the insurance. You don’t have to be insincere. The more open you are in the texts, and the more honestly you tell what you cannot do, the more valuable your content is both for the reader and according to the new YMYL category ranking rules for search engines.

To understand exactly what questions need to be disclosed in a particular text, you need to study those for whom you are writing it.

3. Compliance with SEO requirements

Content written for a person is very important. But if it does not meet the requirements of the SEO, it will not be ranked by the systems and no one will ever read it. Therefore, our next tip is to write SEO texts.

The main requirements are:

  • Keywords - be sure to use the main phrases from the search in the text. Adapting some of the queries that are inserted into the text for voice search is now more relevant than ever, their use increases your chances. In addition to the main keywords, use phrases with “who, what, why, how”, thereby you get more visits from voice search;
  • Use a clear structure - when answering questions of interest to the consumer and describing the product, it is important to highlight the main provisions in separate blocks or parts of the text. So the text is not only visually perceived easier, but also makes it possible to read only what the site visitor is interested in. At the same time, it is necessary to separate parts of the text with subheadings, for example, as in our text, so that the reader can find what interests him. Insert keywords into subheadings;
  • Statistics are a very important element of good SEO text. If statistics are not always relevant in other industries, then in insurance, their use is an excellent tool that makes it clear why insurance is needed. For example, using data on the number of car accidents for the current year in the country will make the reader think that he really needs insurance, and the ranking of such text will be a bonus;
  • Links - be sure to use links between the pages of the site in the text. Links to authoritative sources will be a plus. Sites with external links to such sources are excellently ranked, and for the reader, this is an indicator of the expertise of the text and the site as a whole.

For insurance agencies, SEO can be not only a necessity for ranking but also a powerful tool to increase the value of the product.

4. Talk to the reader

You should not state dry facts in high-flown professional language but speak to the reader. Imagine that you are having a direct dialogue and telling your friend about insurance.

Of course, too informal and simple language will not work in this field, but the reader should not feel that he is not too intelligent while reading your text.

If in the second paragraph, he realizes that he does not understand anything, he will close the site and go to competitors, where everything will be explained to him in a simple and accessible way.

Be sure to watch what and how you write. If you write “our insurance” in the text for an insurance broker, then this is a clear inconsistency.

The broker does not insure, he sells other people’s products, so such a phrase can be regarded as misleading.

Be very careful, as such errors are fraught not only with incidents and loss of customers but also with blocking by search engines, which clearly track inconsistencies in content.

5. Tell stories

When it comes to blog articles, telling a story is the best way to get the message across, and thinly veil advertising and product sales.

For example, you could tell a story about an accident and its consequences for a person who was not insured. And then state what this person would receive if he had insurance.

In this way, you achieve two goals at once; you captivate the reader with a story, and secondly, you subtly advertise the product.

People respond more positively to specific examples than dry facts. Take inspiration from the internet, or use your own customers’ experience to tell stories like this.

With the right presentation, any case can be a great example and a fascinating story.

6. Respect your reader

First of all, this advice refers to the literacy of the text.

You yourself may not notice your mistakes or typos and an outside reader will not only notice them but also makes note to himself that the text is badly written.

Subconsciously for the reader, this is a signal to distrust such a text and the information that is presented in it.

Typos in the text can be perceived by a person as disrespectful to themselves, so your content should be of high quality, and services such as Essay Tigers and Grammarly will help you make sure that there are no errors in it.

A very good solution would be to put the text aside for a while and then reread it again. In 5 cases out of 10, you will correct something in it, add or delete it.

7. Keep Your Readers Interested

To maintain the loyalty of the company’s customers, it must be useful to them. Therefore, you need to blog on the site.

If you publish 2-3 posts a month in it, then don’t expect a big response from the reader. 15-16 posts will be optimal. But it must be really high-quality content.

Make a calendar of publications, date texts to dates or holidays, and maintain the main topic. Actual information today is a resource that your readers will share with friends, relatives, and acquaintances, thereby expanding the audience and circle of potential customers.

Write on related topics. Your readers are probably interested in news from the automotive world, health, real estate, and travel. Pay attention to these topics, remembering to adapt them for insurance and discreetly advertise products.


When writing content for the site, think not about the goals of the company and your own interests. By thinking about the reader and the value that the reader’s article will bring, you can create really interesting and unique content.

  • Do not be afraid to approach the content of the website and blog of the insurance company creatively.
  • Write simply, speak to readers in their language, accurately identifying the target audience. Do not make mistakes, use special services to check grammar.
  • Do not forget about the SEO requirements and use them not only for promotion but also to adapt them to your goals and needs.
  • Insert links into texts, use statistics, and structure, and don’t forget about key queries.
  • A good SEO text is an article not only for search engines but first of all for people.