7 Lead Generation Marketing Trends To Use In 2024

Lead generation marketing is the foundation of the sales process, where businesses lay the groundwork for success by gathering information about potential customers and prioritizing them accordingly.

Businesses must pull out all the stops and use various techniques to entice potential customers to provide their information willingly. This information is the key to unlocking personalized marketing campaigns, cultivating strong relationships with leads, and tipping the scales in favor of successful conversions.

Trends have emerged and disappeared; some have significantly impacted lead generation, such as automation. Other trends have yet to be as successful.

One thing remains the same: the pace of change in marketing is rapid, and businesses must stay informed and adapt quickly to remain competitive.

This article will explore the latest and most effective lead-generation marketing trends businesses should adopt in 2024.

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So, let’s dive into these techniques and discover how they can help you stay ahead of the competition and generate more leads.


  1. Personalization
  2. Video Marketing
  3. Voice Search Optimization
  4. Influencer Marketing
  5. Interactive Content
  6. Chatbots
  7. Webinars

1. Personalization

Marketing is all about personalization. Using data, businesses can create campaigns catering to their audience’s specific needs and preferences. This approach has been shown to increase engagement, loyalty, and conversions.

In 2024, businesses should keep using personalization to attract more leads and drive sales.

The best thing about personalized marketing is that it makes customers feel special. Businesses can earn trust and build loyalty by caring about their needs and preferences.

Businesses must analyze customer behavior and purchasing patterns to understand their wants. Once they have that insight, they can create campaigns directly addressing their audience’s interests and needs.

So, if businesses want to succeed, they must keep personalization at the forefront of their marketing strategies. By doing this, they can create more meaningful connections with their audience, attract more leads, and ultimately drive more sales.

Here are some examples of how businesses can use personalization to improve their lead-generation efforts:

Personalized Emails

Businesses can create customized email campaigns based on the interests and behaviors of their audience. Personalized emails can include personalized subject lines, content, and calls to action.

Personalized Website Content

By using data such as browsing history and location, businesses can personalize the content on their website to provide a more relevant experience for each visitor.

Personalized Product Recommendations

Businesses can create personalized product recommendations by analyzing customer behavior and purchase history.

Personalized Retargeting Ads

You can personalize retargeting ads to show products or services the user has previously shown interest in. Different rich media ad strategies, such as incorporating animations or videos, can be used to capture the user’s attention.

Personalized Social Media Content

Social media platforms allow businesses to create personalized content based on user interests and behaviors.

2. Video Marketing

Video marketing is an effective way for businesses to engage with their audience and increase brand awareness. Videos are shareable, memorable, and can convey a lot of information in a short amount of time. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have made it easier for businesses to share videos and reach new audiences.

Businesses should create high-quality videos that align with their brand identity and message to succeed in video marketing.

The content of the videos should be engaging, informative, and visually appealing. Businesses can use video marketing software, some of which are included in the best marketing software list of reputable software review sites or online marketplaces.

These software options can provide businesses with the tools and resources they need to create professional-looking videos, edit and enhance existing content, and analyze the performance of their videos.

Additionally, businesses can leverage user-generated content to increase engagement and authenticity by incorporating it into their video marketing strategy.

In 2024, businesses should continue to use video marketing to increase their lead-generation efforts.

Businesses can attract more potential customers and increase conversions by creating compelling videos that resonate with their audience. Video marketing has become popular for businesses to attract and engage with their audience.

Here are some examples of successful video marketing campaigns:

  • Burger King: Burger King’s “Moldy Whopper” campaign in 2020 featured a time-lapse video showing a Whopper burger decaying over 34 days. The campaign aimed to promote the chain’s move to remove artificial preservatives from its food and went viral, gaining international attention.
  • Nike: Nike’s “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign in 2020 showcased a split-screen video of athletes and sports moments to promote unity and resilience during the pandemic. The video received over 100 million views on social media, increasing brand awareness and loyalty.
  • TikTok: TikTok’s “It Starts on TikTok” campaign in 2019 featured short videos highlighting the app’s viral challenges and trends. The campaign helped increase downloads and user engagement on the platform.
  • Adobe: Adobe’s “Make a Masterpiece” campaign in 2021 featured a series of videos highlighting the creative possibilities of its software. The videos showcased user-generated content and aimed to inspire and educate its target audience.
  • Amazon: Amazon’s “The Show Must Go On” campaign in 2020 featured a heartwarming video showcasing the resilience of small business owners during the pandemic. The campaign aimed to support small businesses and promote Amazon’s platform.

These campaigns demonstrate the power of video marketing to increase brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty.

Businesses can stand out in a highly competitive digital landscape by creating engaging and innovative videos that align with their brand message and target audience.

3. Voice Search Optimization

Did you know that 58% of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the past year?

According to the study by BrightLocal, people commonly use voice search to find business information like phone numbers, directions, and hours of operation. This means that optimizing your content for voice search is becoming increasingly important.

The study also found that voice queries are longer and more conversational than text-based queries, with the average voice search result being 29 words long. This means businesses must consider their content’s conversational tone when optimizing for voice search.

Voice search optimization has become an essential part of marketing due to the increasing popularity of voice-enabled devices.

Businesses can optimize their content to rank in voice search results using natural language and including critical information upfront.

Optimizing for voice search can increase website traffic by ranking for more long-tail keywords. Businesses can also optimize their local search results by including relevant information such as an address, hours of operation, and phone number.

In addition to content optimization, businesses can engage with their audience directly by creating custom voice apps for devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Businesses can leverage voice-enabled devices to provide users with relevant information about their products or services.

Voice search optimization is a critical aspect of marketing in 2024. By optimizing content for voice search and leveraging voice-enabled devices, businesses can increase traffic, attract more leads, and improve their visibility in search results.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become a popular marketing strategy in recent years. It involves partnering with social media influencers to promote products or services to their followers. In 2024, it’s expected to become even more prevalent.

Influencer marketing helps businesses reach a wider audience and build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Businesses can succeed in this marketing approach by partnering with influencers whose audience aligns with their target market and who have high engagement and authenticity. Creating brand advocate programs can also be effective, where customers promote the brand and its products or services on social media.

Influencer marketing is useful for businesses to increase brand awareness and generate leads. By partnering with influencers or creating their influencer programs, businesses can increase their visibility on social media and build trust with potential customers.

So, how do you find influencers?

Finding influencers for your brand can be daunting, but there are a few steps you can take to make the process easier.

  1. Start by identifying your target audience and the social media platforms they use most frequently. Once you know where your audience spends their time online, you can search for influencers with a strong presence on those platforms.
  2. When evaluating potential candidates, consider the influencer’s audience size, engagement rate, and content quality. You can use social media tools like Hootsuite, BuzzSumo, and FollowerWonk to research and analyze potential influencers.
  3. Look for those who are already engaging with your brand on social media. These influencers will likely have a genuine interest in your brand, making them more likely to create authentic and effective content.
  4. Consider reaching out to a few potential influencers and building a relationship with them before asking them to promote your brand. This can help establish trust and make the partnership more authentic and effective in generating leads.

5. Interactive Content

Interactive content is a type of content that requires user participation. Examples include quizzes, polls, and games. Interactive content is effective in lead generation because it’s engaging and can provide valuable insights into the needs and preferences of potential customers. Businesses should focus on creating interactive content that is fun, informative, and relevant to their audience.

In 2024, interactive content is expected to become even more crucial for marketing. Interactive content can be more entertaining and memorable than traditional content, leading to increased engagement and brand awareness.

It also provides valuable insights into the preferences and behaviors of the audience.

Businesses can succeed in interactive content by creating relevant and valuable content that is visually appealing and user-friendly. Interactive videos can be especially engaging, allowing viewers to choose their path through the content.

Quizzes, polls, and surveys are great ways to engage with the audience and gather feedback on a particular topic or product. They can also provide valuable insights into the audience’s knowledge or personality.

One of the best examples of Interactive Content is Google Arts & Culture’s “Art Projector.” Google’s Art and Culture Interactive Page is a website that allows users to explore and discover various works of art and cultural artifacts. The website collaborates between Google and museums, galleries, and other cultural institutions.

6. Chatbots

Chatbots are AI-powered messaging tools that allow businesses to interact with customers in real-time, answer their questions, and guide them through the sales process.

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular in lead generation marketing, as they can provide 24/7 support and help businesses save time and resources. Chatbots have become increasingly popular in recent years because they offer several benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increased efficiency - Chatbots can handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, saving businesses time and resources. Chatbots can handle routine inquiries and requests, freeing customer service staff to handle more complex issues.
  • Improved customer service - Chatbots can provide 24/7 support and instant responses to inquiries, improving the overall customer experience. Customers can receive help anytime without waiting for business hours or speaking to a human representative.
  • Personalization - Chatbots can use data to personalize the customer experience, offering personalized product recommendations or promotions based on the customer’s browsing history or preferences.

Businesses can supplement chatbots by using chatbot software or services to create customized chatbots that fit their needs. Chatbots can be integrated into websites, messaging platforms, and social media channels to support and assist customers. With the right implementation and strategy, chatbots and language models like GPT-3 can be effective tools for businesses to improve customer service and generate leads.

7. Webinars

Webinars are online seminars that allow businesses to educate and engage with their target audience. Webinars are an effective lead-generation marketing technique, allowing businesses to showcase their expertise, build credibility, and generate leads by collecting registration information from attendees.

Webinars are a popular lead-generation marketing technique because they provide several benefits, including:

  • Thought leadership - Webinars allow businesses to showcase their expertise and thought leadership on a particular topic. By providing valuable information and insights to their target audience, businesses can establish themselves as a trusted authority in their industry.
  • Engagement - Webinars allow businesses to engage with their target audience in real-time, answering questions and responding to feedback. This engagement can help to build relationships with potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversions.
  • Cost-effective - Webinars are a cost-effective lead generation marketing technique, as they don’t require a physical venue or travel expenses. Businesses can host webinars remotely from their own office, reducing costs and increasing accessibility.

Businesses can implement webinars by utilizing webinar software or services that allow them to create and host webinars. To attract attendees, they can promote their webinars through email marketing, social media, and other channels.

During the webinar, businesses can provide valuable information, showcase their products or services, and collect information from attendees to generate leads. With the right implementation and strategy, webinars can be an effective tool for businesses to educate and engage with their target audience and generate leads.

Leverage these Lead Generation Marketing Trends to Your Advantage

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To successfully implement these trends, businesses should assess their resources and capabilities.

Choosing the right trends for your business is also important. Businesses should develop a plan for implementation, which includes creating content, promoting it, and measuring its success. Measuring and analyzing the success of your strategy is crucial in understanding what works and what doesn’t.

By leveraging the latest marketing trends, businesses can create engaging content that resonates with their audience and drives more leads and sales.

Personalization, video marketing, voice search optimization, influencer marketing, and interactive content are the top trends to look out for in 2024. Implementing these trends can be challenging, but with the right plan and resources, businesses can succeed in their lead-generation efforts.