Are you sharing your screen yet? Well, you should!
Surely your company has great sales professionals with all of the tools it needs to get people interested in the product itself. After all, sales professionals have a wide variety of tools, but according to a recent study (and just plain intuition!) delivering sales presentations is the primary deal closer for most.
Why? Well, imagine a situation in which you work in sales (like most business people do) and you’ve just called a lead, so someone is already interested in your product.
Product Demonstrations
You don’t have to actually call them with a demo ready, just follow the conversation as it naturally unfolds. A demonstration in the middle of the call to show your product to the prospect can be even more effective!
Even in the middle of it, when they ask you - but what it is exactly? You can just say: wait, let me show you!
Online buyers research first
Nowadays people are spending the majority of time with their computers - online. 74% of buyers actually research their purchases first and only buy afterwards. This creates opportunities to show the client, in the most professional and efficient way, that your product is the absolute best one out there!

Show products like in brick and mortar stores
Imagine this: if someone is calling your company for information, probably they have found the number on your website, so they are actually calling you from in front of the computer. Then, instead of the usual narration about “where is the left corner of the pink square button on your website”, you can just demonstrate everything they want to see, and even more, present the product in the best possible way (because it is an awesome one, right?).
Yes, they are in front of a computer!
Another case is the widely known ‘are you in front of the computer?’ situation. Most of the time customers will be sitting at an internet-enabled computer. Worst case scenario - smartphone.
Add visuals to your phone call
You can enhance the phone call and proceed as you prefer, sometimes it is better just to show what you exactly want. With our tool you can demonstrate what you have and exhaust your customers’ question - even on a smartphone, by sending them a text message.
With screen sharing one can approach sales demonstrations as an extension of phone calls rather than following a set of strict, scripted rules. We can show you!