Do sales professionals really need screen sharing? Infographic.
CrankWheel is growing based on user feedback. We seize every opportunity to talk with our buyers. We meet them everywhere! From attendees of events like Slush to other participants of startup competitions like Vodafone Stökkpallur, Deloitte Fast Rising 50 (both of which we won, by the way!). We talk in order to do proper research about screen sharing usability.
Yes, sales professionals need reliable screen sharing.

How do we know?
We asked an impressive number of 2600 online sales professionals to present their views on screen sharing: its reliability, its importance, and relevance to their success.
All of them come from different backgrounds, different industries and have various online sales experience. Real estate agents, yellow pages consultants and enterprise software account managers alike were questioned.
It turns out that great majority of online sales specialists use screen sharing, mainly for hosting demonstrations.
They were all concerned with the reliability of their screen sharing software.
As happy as they are with new sales opportunities, they also worry about their software reliability and no backup plan for that possibility.